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ASTQB ISTQB-Level-1 : American Software Testing Qualifications Board Level 1 Practice Tests

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ISTQB-Level-1 examcollection : Download 100% Free ISTQB-Level-1 practice exams (PDF and VCE)

Exam Number : ISTQB-Level-1
Exam Name : American Software Testing Qualifications Board Level 1
Vendor Name : ASTQB
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ISTQB-Level-1 test Format | ISTQB-Level-1 Course Contents | ISTQB-Level-1 Course Outline | ISTQB-Level-1 test Syllabus | ISTQB-Level-1 test Objectives

Exam: ISTQB-Level-1 (American Software Testing Qualifications Board Level 1)

Exam Details:
- Number of Questions: The test consists of multiple-choice questions.
- Time: Candidates are given a specified amount of time to complete the exam.

Course Outline:
The ISTQB Level 1 certification, provided by the American Software Testing Qualifications Board (ASTQB), is designed for individuals who are new to software testing or have limited experience in the field. The course covers the fundamental principles and techniques of software testing. The course outline includes the following topics:

1. Fundamentals of Testing
- Testing terminology and principles
- Psychology of testing
- Test process and lifecycle
- Test levels and types

2. Testing throughout the Software Development Lifecycle
- Requirements analysis and test design
- Test implementation and execution
- Test closure activities
- Test environment and test data management

3. Static Techniques
- Static testing fundamentals
- Review process and techniques
- Static analysis tools

4. Test Design Techniques
- Black-box and white-box test design techniques
- Equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis
- Decision table testing and state transition testing
- Use case testing and user story testing

5. Test Management
- Test planning and estimation
- Test progress monitoring and control
- Configuration management and risk management
- Incident management and defect tracking

Exam Objectives:
The ISTQB-Level-1 test aims to assess candidates' understanding of fundamental software testing concepts and their ability to apply them in practical scenarios. The test objectives include:

1. Demonstrating knowledge of testing terminology, principles, and processes.
2. Understanding the different test levels, types, and techniques.
3. Applying static testing techniques and conducting effective reviews.
4. Designing test cases using various black-box and white-box techniques.
5. Understanding test management activities, including planning, monitoring, and control.

Exam Syllabus:
The test syllabus covers the following topics:

- Fundamentals of Testing
- Testing terminology and principles
- Psychology of testing
- Test process and lifecycle
- Test levels and types

- Testing throughout the Software Development Lifecycle
- Requirements analysis and test design
- Test implementation and execution
- Test closure activities
- Test environment and test data management

- Static Techniques
- Static testing fundamentals
- Review process and techniques
- Static analysis tools

- Test Design Techniques
- Black-box and white-box test design techniques
- Equivalence partitioning and boundary value analysis
- Decision table testing and state transition testing
- Use case testing and user story testing

- Test Management
- Test planning and estimation
- Test progress monitoring and control
- Configuration management and risk management
- Incident management and defect tracking

Candidates are expected to have a solid understanding of these syllabus and demonstrate their ability to apply the concepts and techniques in real-world testing scenarios. The test assesses their knowledge, skills, and ability to perform software testing activities at a foundational level.

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