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Exam Number : ISEB-BA1
Exam Name : Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis
Vendor Name : ISEB
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EXAM NAME: Foundation Certificate in Business Analysis
The role and competencies of a business analyst
How to identify and evaluate options for improving your business
Investigative techniques, including interviews, workshops, prototyping and scenarios
How to categorise, analyse and manage stakeholders
Making a business case and assessing feasibility
How to document, manage and validate requirements
List the key principles of business analysis.
a. Root causes, not symptoms.
b. Business improvement, not IT system change.
c. Options, not solutions.
d. Feasible, contributing requirements, not meeting all requests.
e. Entire business change lifecycle, not just requirements definitions.
f. Negotiation, not avoidance.
Describe the variants of the business analyst role.
a. Enterprise.
b. Technical/systems.
c. Digital.
d. Project.
e. Proxy product owner.
a. Personal qualities.
b. Business knowledge.
c. Professional techniques.
Describe business analysis and the strategic context.
a. Analyse and discuss.
b. Build credibility.
c. Question appropriateness.
d. Analyse effectiveness.
e. Provide leadership and influence.
Define the factors assessed using PESTLE to analyse an external environment
a. Political.
b. Environmental.
c. Socio-cultural.
d. Technological.
e. Legal.
f. Economic
Idenitfy the elements of the VMOST technique used to analyse an internal environment.
a. Vision.
b. Mission.
c. Objectives.
d. Strategy.
e. Tactics.
a. Critical success factors (CSFs).
b. Key performance indicators (KPIs).
These techniques are used to measure how
an organisation is performing. Critical success
factors are descriptions of the critical factors
that must be in place for the organisation to
achieve defined objectives and KPIs are the
quantitative measurements of performance that
track the achievement of CSFs. Candidates should
recognise examples and use of these performance
measurement tools.
Indicative content
a. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
b. Internal and external factors.
a. POPIT™.
b. Business model canvas.
There are various aspects to consider when
executing an organisational strategy. These
include the results of the internal and external
environment analysis and the gap between the
organisations current and desired target state.
POPIT™ provides a useful model to ensure that all
elements of the organisations strategy are being
considered, while the business model canvas
provides a means through which to develop and
execute strategy. Candidates should recognise
these techniques, but shall not be tested on their
3.6 Describe the following techniques used in strategy execution.
Identify the activities in the Business Analysis Service Framework (BASF).
a. Situation investigation and problem analysis.
b. Feasibility test and business case development.
c. Business process improvement.
d. Requirements definition.
e. Business acceptance testing.
f. Business change deployment.
g. Stakeholder engagement.
• Supplier.
• Input.
• Process.
• Output.
• Customer.
b. Value chain analysis.
• Primary activities.
• Support activities.
c. Value propositions.
• Product/service.
• Image.
• Customer relationship.
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