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Alcatel-Lucent 4A0-C01 : Nokia NRS II Composite test Practice Tests

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Exam Number : 4A0-C01
Exam Name : Nokia NRS II Composite Exam
Vendor Name : Alcatel-Lucent
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4A0-C01 test Format | 4A0-C01 Course Contents | 4A0-C01 Course Outline | 4A0-C01 test Syllabus | 4A0-C01 test Objectives

Exam Name: Nokia NRS II Composite Exam
Exam Number: 4A0-C01
Credit Towards Certifications: Nokia Network Routing Specialist II
Nokia Service Routing Architect
Mandatory test Prerequisites: N/A
Exam Duration: 120 minutes
Exam Appointment Duration: 165 minutes. This is the test duration plus a 45 minute tutorial on computer-based examinations.
Number of Questions: 70
Language: English

- Demonstrate a basic overall understanding of link state protocols
- Express a basic overall understanding of IP routing design
- Describe the various routing protocol databases (routing, forwarding and link state)
- Demonstrate an understanding of route redistribution and route filter policies
- Understand static and default routes
- Explain the basic operations of OSPF and implementation and operability of OSPF in a network
- Understand OSPF in basic and complex network topologies
- Understand OSPFv3
- Understand single and multi area networks in OSPFv3
- Explain the basic operations of IS-IS, and implementation and operability of IS-IS in a network
- Understand IS-IS for IPv6
- Define the differences between IS-IS and OSPF
- Understand OSPF operations and OSPF routing issues
- Understand networking utilizing a combination of OSPF and IS-IS
- Understand IPv6 basics and IPv6 addressing
- Explain the basic concepts of MPLS technology such as forwarding equivalence classes (FECs), labels and label stacks, label distribution, LSPs and MPLS packet forwarding
- Describe the MPLS header structure and explain the label operations of pop, push and swap
- List the characteristics of different label distribution protocols and compare them
- Explain how LDP works to distribute labels for FECs and establish LSPs
- Describe traffic engineering and its advantage in an MPLS network.
- Identify the traffic engineering extensions made to the IGP routing protocols and understand how they are used with CSPF to establish traffic engineered LSPs
- Demonstrate how RSVP-TE is used to establish traffic engineered LSPs using RSVP signaling messages to distribute labels, specify constraints for the LSP and request LSP protection mechanisms
- Describe the concept of a shared risk link group (SRLG) and its use in traffic engineering
- State the purpose of using LDP over RSVP tunnels to provide traffic engineering in a hierarchical network
- Configure an MPLS-based core network using LDP, RSVP-TE, and LDP over RSVP
- List the various LSP protection mechanisms (Secondary/ Standby LSP, fast reroutes)
- Describe MPLS for IP routing (MPLS shortcuts)
- Configure 6PE on a network of 7750 SRs
- Configure RSVP-TE LSPs using each of the possible protection mechanisms
- Understand how to manage, monitor and perform basic troubleshooting of LDP-established LSPs on the Nokia 7750 Service Router (SR) and Nokia 7450 Ethernet Service Switch (ESS)
- Understand how to manage, monitor and perform basic troubleshooting of RSVP-TE-established LSPs on the Nokia 7750 SR and Nokia 7450 ESS
- Demonstrate a basic overall understanding of Nokia services
- Differentiate between service access point (SAP) and network ports
- Provide an explanation for a service delivery point (SDP) and differentiate between mesh and spoke SDPs
- Differentiate between transport tunnels and service tunnels
- Correctly analyze the implications of maximum transmission unit (MTU) size
- Use the correct operations, administration and maintenance (OAM) tools to analyze a configured system
- Correctly define the terms related to VPWS services such as Epipe, Apipe, Fpipe, and Ipipe
- Correctly configure an Epipe service
- Manage Epipe services given an existing infrastructure including modifying, deleting, disabling, re-enabling, and creating these services
- Explain the issues related to VPWS interworking
- Describe the purpose and operation of a VPLS service
- Explain the different types of SAP encapsulations and describe their behavior
- Correctly configure a VPLS service
- Define and configure an Internet enhanced service (IES)
- Configure an IES spoke termination to a VPLS service
- Identify reasons to use mirror services and differentiate between local and distributed mirror services
- Configure and verify the operation of a remote mirror service
- Identify the protocols and technologies required to implement VPRN service
- Explain the interaction between the control and data plane of a VPRN service
- Configure, verify, and troubleshoot an IPv4 and IPv6 VPRN service

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